

    [普通研究]博彩族,Gunnes G,Lee Rh,Louch We,Holmgren A,Bruton JD,Lengle E,Kolstad TRS,Revold T,Amundsen SS,Dalen Kt,Holme Pa,TjønnfjordGe,Christensen G,Westerblad H,KlunglandA,Bergmeier W,Misceo D,Frengen E.,STIM1 R304W导致小鼠肌肉变性和血小板活化受损那Cell Calcium. 2018 Dec;76:87-100. doi: 10.1016/j.ceca.2018.10.001. Epub 2018 Oct 5.

    [Oncology] Andersen CL, Liu M, Wang Z, Ye X, Xiao S.,Chemotherapeutic agent doxorubicin alters uterine gene expression in response to estrogen in ovariectomized CD-1 adult mice†,Biol grod。2019年4月1日; 100(4):869-871。DOI:10.1093 / BIOLRE / IOY259。

    Non-Swiss albino outbred mice

    [普通研究] Logsdon DM,Ermisch AF,柯尔河,校车WB,克里斯克RL,元Y.,Egg cylinder development during in vitro extended embryo culture predicts the post transfer developmental potential of mouse blastocysts,j协助播种群体。2020年4月37日(4):747-752。DOI:10.1007 / S10815-020-01714-9。EPUB 2020 2月18日。

    New Zealand white rabbits

    [毒理学]劳伦斯WS,Peel Je,Sivasubramani Sk,Baze WB,Whorton EB,Beasley DWC,Comer Je,Hughes de,Ling LL,Peterson JW。,Teixobactin在兔模型中提供针对吸入炭疽的保护那Pathogens. 2020 Sep 22;9(9):773. doi: 10.3390/pathogens9090773.

    Spontaneously hypertensive inbred rats

    [Hypertension] Pokrzywinski KL, Biel TG, Rosen ET, Bonanno JL, Aryal B, Mascia F, Moshkelani D, Mog S, Rao VA.,在雌性肿瘤轴承自发性高血压大鼠中,通过在雌性肿瘤患者中抑制了多柔比星诱导的心脏毒性那Biol Sex Differ. 2018 Jun 15;9(1):25. doi: 10.1186/s13293-018-0183-9.

    Sprague Dawley®差异大鼠

    [Aging] Cao S, Wastney ME, Lachcik PJ, Xiao HH, Weaver CM, Wong MS.,Both Oleanolic Acid and a Mixture of Oleanolic and Ursolic Acids Mimic the Effects of Fructus ligustri lucidi on Bone Properties and Circulating 1,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol in Ovariectomized Rats那J Nutr. 2018 Dec 1;148(12):1895-1902. doi: 10.1093/jn/nxy242.

    [Aging] Mackert GA, Schulte M, Hirche C, Kotsougiani D, Vogelpohl J, Hoener B, Fiebig T, Kirschner S, Brockmann MA, Lehnhardt M, Kneser U, Harhaus L.Low-energy extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) improves metaphyseal fracture healing in an osteoporotic rat model那PLoS One. 2017 Dec 12;12(12):e0189356. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0189356. eCollection 2017.

    [心血管] Cruz MV,Luker JN,Carney BC,Brummel-Ziedins Ke,Bravo MC,Orfeo T,Chen JH,Moffatt Lt,Shupp JW。雄性Sprague Dawley大鼠旋转血管旋转测定法的参考范围那Thromb J. 2017 Dec 28;15:31. doi: 10.1186/s12959-017-0154-0. eCollection 2017.

    [General Studies] Bakewell SJ, Carie A, Costich TL, Sethuraman J, Semple JE, Sullivan B, Martinez GV, Dominguez-Viqueira W, Sill KN.,成像递送载药,铁稳定胶束那Nanomedicine. 2017 May;13(4):1353-1362. doi: 10.1016/j.nano.2017.01.009. Epub 2017 Jan 20.

    [普通研究] Sharma PK,Avula B,Panda A,王YH,Khan Ia,Murthy Sn。,用超高效液相色谱法耦合到串联质谱法测定大鼠等离子体中树脂素毒素的定量测定的敏感生物分析方法及其在药代动力学研究中的应用那J pharm biomed肛门。2019 Feb 20;165:284-291. doi: 10.1016/j.jpba.2018.12.024. Epub 2018 Dec 14.

    [普通研究] Vigiola Cruz M,Carney BC,Luker JN,Monger KW,Vazquez JS,Moffatt Lt,Johnson LS,Shupp JW。,血浆改善烧伤损伤内皮功能障碍那J Surg Res. 2019 Jan;233:459-466. doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2018.08.027. Epub 2018 Sep 22.

    [一般性研究] Cao J,NG M,Felmlee Ma。,性激素调节大鼠肝单羧酸转运蛋白表达和膜贩运,j pharm pharm sci。2017; 20(1):435-444。DOI:10.18433 / J3CH29。

    [General Studies] Shao XM, Liu S, Lee ES, Fung D, Pei H, Liang J, Mudgway R, Zhang J, Feldman JL, Zhu Y, Louie S, Xie XS.Chronic intermittent nicotine delivery via lung alveolar region-targeted aerosol technology produces circadian pharmacokinetics in rats resembling human smokers那J Appl Physiol (1985). 2018 Nov 1;125(5):1555-1562. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00357.2018. Epub 2018 Sep 20.

    [普通研究]希尔k,walker sn,salminen a,chung hl,li x,Ezzat B,Miller Jj,Desormeaux JS,Zhang J,Hayden A,Burgin T,Piraino L,May Mn,Gaborski Tr,Roussie Ja,TaylorJ,Divincenti L JR,Shestopalov AA,McGrath JL,Johnson DG。Second Generation Nanoporous Silicon Nitride Membranes for High Toxin Clearance and Small Format Hemodialysis,adv healthc mater。2020 2月; 9(4):E1900750。DOI:10.1002 / ADHM.201900750。EPUB 2020 1月15日。

    [免疫学] Waldron Rt,Chen Y,Pham H,Go A,Su Hy,Hu C,Wen L,Husain SZ,Sugar Ca,Roos J,Ramos S,Lugea A,Dunn M,Stauderman K,Pandol SJ。,奥莱州(2+) channel inhibitor CM4620 targets both parenchymal and immune cells to reduce inflammation in experimental acute pancreatitisJ Physiol. 2019 Jun;597(12):3085-3105. doi: 10.1113/JP277856. Epub 2019 May 22.

    [Neuroscience] Huijgens PT, Snoeren EMS, Meisel RL, Mermelstein PG.,促腺切除术和二氢睾酮对雄性大鼠动机和奖励相关脑区神经元可塑性的影响那J Neuroendocrinol. 2021 Jan;33(1):e12918. doi: 10.1111/jne.12918. Epub 2020 Dec 19.

    (神经学)丹泽尔哈,克莱恩DD.,慢性间歇性缺氧后内脏感官神经元中催产素夸大的钾电流减少,auton neurosci。2020年12月229:102735。DOI:10.1016 / J.Autneu.202020.102735。EPUB 2020 SEP 28。

    [神经科学] Ji Y,Hu B,Klontz C,Li J,Dessem D,Dorsey SG,Traub RJ。,Peripheral mechanisms contribute to comorbid visceral hypersensitivity induced by preexisting orofacial pain and stress in female rats,Neurogastroenterol Motil。2020年72月32(7):E13833。DOI:10.1111 / NMO.13833。EPUB 2020 3月10日。

    [神经科学] Kao HW,Lin Yy,Gwathney WJ,Hong K.,疼痛管理中多岩囊泡罗哌卡因的制定与评价,int j nanomedicine。2019年9月27日; 14:7891-7901。DOI:10.2147 / IJN.S215952。Ecollection 2019。

    [Neuroscience] Wright DM, Small KM, Nag S, Mokha SS.,Activation of Membrane Estrogen Receptors Attenuates NOP-Mediated Tactile Antihypersensitivity in a Rodent Model of Neuropathic Pain,脑科学。2019年6月21日; 9(6):147。DOI:10.3390 / BRISTSCI9060147。

    [神经科学] Hay M,Polt R,Heien ML,Vanderah TW,Largent-Milnes TM,Rodgers K,Falk T,Bartlett MJ,Doyle Kp,Konhilas JP。,一种用于治疗血管认知障碍和炎症相关记忆功能障碍的新型血管紧张素 - (1-7)糖基化的MAS受体激动剂那J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2019 Apr;369(1):9-25. doi: 10.1124/jpet.118.254854. Epub 2019 Feb 1.

    [神经科学]克罗斯克,Moore Km,Meisel RL,Mermelstein PG。,MGLUR5介导二氢甾体酮诱导的核心腺结构可塑性,但没有调节奖励那Front Neurosci. 2018 Nov 20;12:855. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2018.00855. eCollection 2018.

    [Neuroscience] Sanna F, Bratzu J, Piludu MA, Corda MG, Melis MR, Giorgi O, Argiolas A.,多巴胺,去甲肾上腺素和罗马高低避税之间的性行为的差异:中间前额叶皮层中的微透析研究那Front Behav Neurosci. 2017 Jun 7;11:108. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2017.00108. eCollection 2017.

    [神经科学] Benmansour S,Arroyo LD,Frazer A.,雌二醇和选择性血清素再摄取抑制剂在中年卵巢切除大鼠中的抗抑郁药物的比较,前衰老神经科学。2016年12月21; 8:311。DOI:10.3389 / FNAGI.2016.00311。Ecollection 2016。

    [神经科学] Martinez La,Gross Ks,Himmler Bt,Emmitt NL,Peterson BM,Zlebnik Ne,Foster Olive M,Carroll Me,Meisel RL,Mermelstein PG。在雌性大鼠中的可卡因自我管理的雌二醇促进需要激活mglur5那eNeuro. 2016 Oct 25;3(5):ENEURO.0140-16.2016. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0140-16.2016. eCollection 2016 Sep-Oct.

    [神经科学]罗宾逊DL JR,NAG S,Mokha SS。雌激素促进和κ和穆阿片受体受体介导通过鞘内( - ) - 雌性大鼠的血小杂胬群产生的抗妇科,表现脑res。2016年10月1; 312:163-8。DOI:10.1016 / J.BBR.2016.06.019。EPUB 2016年6月14日。

    [神经科学] Radford Kd,Park Ty,Jaiswal S,Pan H,Knutsen A,Zhang M,Driscoll M,Osborne-Smith La,Dardzinski Bj,Choi Kh。增强的恐惧记忆和脑葡萄糖新陈代谢(18.F-FDG-PET)在Sprague-Dawley大鼠次麻醉静脉内氯胺酮输注后,翻译精神病学。2018年11月30日; 8(1):263。DOI:10.1038 / S41398-018-0310-8。

    [营养] Cladis DP,Debelo H,Lachcik PJ,Ferruzzi Mg,Weaver Cm。,Increasing Doses of Blueberry Polyphenols Alters Colonic Metabolism and Calcium Absorption in Ovariectomized Rats,Mol Nutr Food Res。2020 64(12):E2000031。DOI:10.1002 / MNFR.202000031。Epub 2020 5月27。

    [Oncology] Sharp AM, Lertphinyowong S, Yee SS, Paredes D, Gelfond J, Johnson-Pais TL, Leach RJ, Liss M, Risinger AL, Sullivan AC, Thompson IM, Morilak DA.,vortioxetine反转内侧前额叶皮质介导的阉割腺大鼠的认知缺陷作为前列腺癌的雄激素剥夺治疗模型那Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2019 Nov;236(11):3183-3195. doi: 10.1007/s00213-019-05274-4. Epub 2019 May 28.

    [Preclincial(PK / PD)] KIM YJ,TU Y,CHOW DS。,超高效液相色谱 - 串联质谱(UHPLC-MS / MS)测定,用于同时定量CZ48,内酯稳定的喜树碱和喜树碱及其药代动力学和大鼠的药代动力学和胆道评价那J pharm biomed肛门。2018 Nov 30;161:122-128. doi: 10.1016/j.jpba.2018.07.058. Epub 2018 Aug 2.

    [Preclincial(PK / PD)] Rioux N,Smith S,Korpal M,O'Shea M,Prajapati S,Zheng GZ,Parmuth M,Smith PG。,Nonclinical pharmacokinetics and in vitro metabolism of H3B-6545, a novel selective ERα covalent antagonist (SERCA)那Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2019 Jan;83(1):151-160. doi: 10.1007/s00280-018-3716-3. Epub 2018 Nov 1.

    [Preclincial(PK / PD)] Grecco GG,Kisor DF,Sprague Je。,Pharmacokinetic data of synthetic cathinones in female Sprague-Dawley rats那Data Brief. 2018 Oct 25;21:1045-1050. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2018.10.073. eCollection 2018 Dec.

    [Preclincial (PK/PD)] Sarkar M, Grossman RG, Toups EG, Chow DS.,Rational design and development of a stable liquid formulation of riluzole and its pharmacokinetic evaluation after oral and IV administrations in rats那J Surg Res. 2019 Jan;233:459-466. doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2018.08.027. Epub 2018 Sep 22.

    [Preclincial(PK / PD)] Katyayan Kk,Hui Yh。An evaluation of metabolite profiling of six drugs using dried blood spot那Xenobiotica. 2019 Dec;49(12):1458-1469. doi: 10.1080/00498254.2019.1572938. Epub 2019 Feb 18.

    [Toxicology] Cladis DP, Li S, Reddivari L, Cox A, Ferruzzi MG, Weaver CM.,A 90 day oral toxicity study of blueberry polyphenols in ovariectomized sprague-dawley rats,食品化学毒素。2020年5月; 139:111254。DOI:10.1016 / J.FCT.2020.111254。EPUB 2020 3月9日。

    [Toxicology] Huang MC, Dzierlenga AL, Robinson VG, Waidyanatha S, DeVito MJ, Eifrid MA, Granville CA, Gibbs ST, Blystone CR.Toxicokinetics of perfluorobutane sulfonate (PFBS), perfluorohexane-1-sulphonic acid (PFHxS), and perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) in male and female Hsd:Sprague Dawley SD rats after intravenous and gavage administration,毒素代表2019年6月28日; 6:645-655。DOI:10.1016 / J.ToxRep.2019.06.016。Ecollection 2019。

    [毒理学]黄MC,罗宾逊VG,Waidyanatha S,Dzierlenga Al,Devito MJ,Eifrid Ma,Gibbs ST,Blystone Cr。,男性和女性HSD中的8:2氟丙二醇醇(8:2-FTOH)的毒物动力学:静脉注射和饲养管理后Sprague Dawley SD大鼠,毒素代表2019年8月20日; 6:924-932。DOI:10.1016 / J.ToxRep.2019.08.009。Ecollection 2019。

    [毒理学] Leber A,Hontecillas R,Zoccoli-Rodriguez V,Ehrich M,Chauhan J,Bassaganya-Riera J.,NX-13的探索性研究:口服活跃的啮齿动物的口腔毒性和药代动力学,靶向NLRX1那Drug Chem Toxicol. 2019 Oct 25:1-6. doi: 10.1080/01480545.2019.1679828. Online ahead of print.

    [Toxicology] Roberts SM, Rohr AC, Mikheev VB, Munson J, Sabo-Attwood T.,空气传播颗粒对大鼠吸入甲苯和萘的呼吸道沉积的影响那Inhal Toxicol. 2018 Jan;30(1):19-28. doi: 10.1080/08958378.2018.1438539. Epub 2018 Feb 21.

    [毒理学] Waidyanatha S,Black SR,Patel Pr,Watson SL,Snyder RW,Sutherland V,Stanko J,Fennell Tr,抗菌剂的处理和代谢,Triclocarban,啮齿动物;物种和路线比较那Xenobiotica. 2020 December ; 50(12): 1469–1482. doi:10.1080/00498254.2020.1779391

    [Toxicology] Waidyanatha S, McDonald JD, Sanders JM, Doyle-Eisele M, Moeller BC, Garner CE.,Disposition and metabolism of 2,2'-dimorpholinodiethyl ether in sprague dawley rats and B6C3F1/N mice after oral, intravenous administration, and dermal application那Xenobiotica. 2020 Nov;50(11):1341-1351. doi: 10.1080/00498254.2020.1779389. Epub 2020 Jun 22.

    [毒理学]张N,Sarkar Ak,Li F,Demerzhan SA,Gilbertson SR,Pati D.,Stability and pharmacokinetics of separase inhibitor-Sepin-1 in Sprague-Dawley rats,Biochem pharmacol。2020年4月; 174:113808。DOI:10.1016 / J.BCP.2020.113808。EPUB 2020 1月10日。

    [毒理学]张N,Sarkar Ak,Pati D.Sprague-Dawley大鼠的器官重,血液学和临床参数上的分离酶抑制剂 - Sepin-1毒性的数据集那Data Brief. 2020 Jan 22;29:105159. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.105159. eCollection 2020 Apr.

    Wistar Han®差异大鼠

    [Preclincial(PK / PD)] Ravula A,Chandasana H,Jagnarine D,Wall Sc,Setlow B,Febo M,Bruijnzeel Aw,德伦多夫H.,Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Characterization of Tetrahydrocannabinol-Induced Cannabinoid Dependence After Chronic Passive Cannabis Smoke Exposure in Rats大麻大麻素。2019年12月6日; 4(4):240-254。DOI:10.1089 / CAN.2019.0049。Ecollection 2019。

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