Antibody production

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    Li XH, Vance GM, Cartwright J, Cao JP, Wilson RA, Castro-Borges W.,将日本血吸虫食管腺体蛋白的表位映射成掺入疫苗构建体中,plos一个。2020 Feb 27;15(2):e0229542. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0229542. eCollection 2020.
    Okba NMA, Widjaja I, van Dieren B, Aebischer A, van Amerongen G, de Waal L, Stittelaar KJ, Schipper D, Martina B, van den Brand JMA, Beer M, Bosch BJ, Haagmans BL.,Particulate multivalent presentation of the receptor binding domain induces protective immune responses against MERS-CoV,突出微生物感染。2020年12月9日(1):1080-1091。DOI:10.1080 / 222221751.2020.1760735。
    Petraitiene R, Petraitis V, Kavaliauskas P, Maung BBW, Khan F, Naing E, Aung T, Zigmantaite V, Grigaleviciute R, Kucinskas A, Stakauskas R, Georgiades BN, Mazur CA, Hayden JA, Satlin MJ, Walsh TJ.,Pharmacokinetics and Efficacy of Ceftazidime-Avibactam in the Treatment of Experimental Pneumonia Caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae Carbapenemase-Producing K. pneumoniae in Persistently Neutropenic Rabbits,抗菌药代理化学其他。2020 34; 64(4):E02157-19。DOI:10.1128 / AAC.02157-19。印刷2020 3月24日。
    Amin B, Ford KI, Robinson RAS.,Quantitative proteomics to study aging in rabbit liver, Mech Ageing Dev. 2020 Apr;187:111227. doi: 10.1016/j.mad.2020.111227. Epub 2020 Feb 29.
    Bailey TW, Dos Santos AP, do Nascimento NC, Xie S, Thimmapuram J, Sivasankar MP, Cox A.,RNA测序鉴定了兔喉响应低湿度攻击的转录变化, BMC Genomics. 2020 Dec 11;21(1):888. doi: 10.1186/s12864-020-07301-7.
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    General studies

    Posobiec Lm,Cox Em,Solomon HM,Lewis Em,Wang Kf,Stanislaus D,A Probability Analysis of Historical Pregnancy and Fetal Data from Dutch Belted and New Zealand White Rabbit Strains from Embryo-Fetal Development Studies., Birth Defects Res B Dev Reprod Toxicol. 2016 Apr;107(2):76-84
    Comer, Jason E; Ray, Bryan D; Henning, Lisa N; Stark, Gregory V; Barnewall, Roy E; Mott, Jason M; Meister, Gabriel T;,Characterization of a therapeutic model of inhalational anthrax using an increase in body temperature in New Zealand white rabbits as a trigger for treatment. Clinical and vaccine immunology,CVI Vol.19,2012
    Oscherwitz J, Feldman D, Yu F, Cease KB.,Epitope-focused peptide immunogens in human use adjuvants protect rabbits from experimental inhalation anthrax., Vaccine. 2015 Jan 9;33(3):430-6.


    Hawksworth D.,Advancing Freund's and AddaVax Adjuvant Regimens Using CpG Oligodeoxynucleotides.,单克隆抗免疫因素免疫接种。2018年11月37(5):195-199。
    Henning Ln,Carpenter S,Stark GV,Serbina NV,新西兰白兔保护免疫的发展患有芽孢杆菌炭疽孢子,并用抗生素和卵巢血小蓟匠治疗,抗保护性抗原的单克隆抗体,抗菌药代理化学其他。2018年1月25日; 62(2)。pii:e01590-17。
    Houser KV, Broadbent AJ, Gretebeck L, Vogel L, Lamirande EW, Sutton T, Bock KW, Minai M, Orandle M, Moore IN, Subbarao K.,Enhanced inflammation in New Zealand white rabbits when MERS-CoV reinfection occurs in the absence of neutralizing antibody.,Plos Pathog。2017 Aug 17;13(8):e1006565.
    Panda, Aruna; Tatarov, Ivan; Melton-Celsa, Angela R; Kolappaswamy, Krishnan; Kriel, Edwin H; Petkov, Daniel; Coksaygan, Turhan; Livio, Sofie; McLeod, Charles G; Nataro, James P; OBrien, Alison D; DeTolla, Louis J;,Escherichia coli O157:H7 infection in Dutch belted and New Zealand white rabbits, Comparative medicine Vol.60, 2010
    Reed MD, Wilder JA, Mega WM, Hutt JA, Kuehl PJ, Valderas MW, Chew LL, Liang BC, Squires CH,用重组,荧光荧光染色剂的荧光染色剂的免疫染色体的突变形式,保护兔免受炭疽感染的影响。,plos一个。2015 Jul 24;10(7):e0130952.
    Townsley S, Mohamed Z, Guo W, McKenna J, Cleveland B, LaBranche C, Beaumont D, Shen X, Yates NL, Pinter A, Tomaras GD, Ferrari G, Montefiori DC, Hu SL.,Induction of Heterologous Tier 2 HIV-1-Neutralizing and Cross-Reactive V1/V2-Specific Antibodies in Rabbits by Prime-Boost Immunization., J Virol. 2016 Sep 12;90(19):8644-60.
    Yamane K, Leung KP.,Rabbit M1 and M2 macrophages can be induced by human recombinant GM-CSF and M-CSF., FEBS Open Bio. 2016 Aug 15;6(9):945-53.


    Müller WEG, Ackermann M, Al-Nawas B, Righesso LAR, Muñoz-Espí R, Tolba E, Neufurth M, Schröder HC, Wang X.,Amplified morphogenetic and bone forming activity of amorphous versus crystalline calcium phosphate/polyphosphate,Acta Biomater。2020年12月118:233-247。DOI:10.1016 / J.ACTBIO.2020.10.023。EPUB 2020 10月17日。


    Zeng Y, Boyd R, Bartoe J, Wiley HE, Marangoni D, Wei LL, Sieving PA.,"Para-retinal" Vector Administration into the Deep Vitreous Enhances Retinal Transgene Expression, Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev. 2020 Jun 24;18:422-427. doi: 10.1016/j.omtm.2020.06.015. eCollection 2020 Sep 11.
    Bargagna-Mohan P, Schultz G, Rheaume B, Trakhtenberg EF, Robson P, Pal-Ghosh S, Stepp MA, Given KS, Macklin WB, Mohan R.,Corneal nonmyelinating Schwann cells illuminated by single-cell transcriptomics and visualized by protein biomarkers, J Neurosci Res. 2020 Nov 16. doi: 10.1002/jnr.24757. Online ahead of print.
    伯恩Vooturi年代,D,熊猫JJ,崔年代,Yand Kim Hrapu SK, Kompella UB.,颗粒尺寸和粘度粘度对肠果肽,皮质类固醇的局部眼部生物利用度的影响,J Ocul Pharmacolol。2020年7月/ 8月; 36(6):404-409。DOI:10.1089 / JOP.2019.0150。EPUB 2020 7月14日。
    Sweeney C, Dudhipala N, Thakkar R, Mehraj T, Marathe S, Gul W, ElSohly MA, Murphy B, Majumdar S.,Effect of surfactant concentration and sterilization process on intraocular pressure-lowering activity of Δ 9-tetrahydrocannabinol-valine-hemisuccinate (NB1111) nanoemulsions,药物Deliv牌res。2020年11月9日DOI:10.1007 / S13346-020-00871-9。在线之前在线。
    Petraitiene R, Petraitis V, Maung BBW, Mansbach RS, Hodges MR, Finkelman MA, Shaw KJ, Walsh TJ.,Efficacy and Pharmacokinetics of Fosmanogepix (APX001) in the Treatment of Candida Endophthalmitis and Hematogenous Meningoencephalitis in Non-neutropenic Rabbits,抗菌药代理化学其他。2020 Dec 23:AAC.01795-20. doi: 10.1128/AAC.01795-20. Online ahead of print.
    Del Amo EM, Griffiths JR, Klaska IP, Hoke J, White A, Aarons L, Cooper GJS, Bainbridge JWB, Bishop PN, Unwin RD.,抗岩糖蛋白氨基蛋白的玻璃体内药代动力学研究, Mol Pharm. 2020 Jul 6;17(7):2390-2397. doi: 10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.0c00151. Epub 2020 Jun 9.
    Georgiev GA, Sharifian Gh M, Romano J, Dias Teixeira KL, Struble C, Ryan DS, Sia RK, Kitt JP, Harris JM, Hsu KL, Libby A, Odrich MG, Suárez T, McKown RL, Laurie GW.,Lacritin proteoforms prevent tear film collapse and maintain epithelial homeostasis,J Biol Chem。2020年11月13日:JBC.RE120.015833。DOI:10.1074 / JBC.RA120.015833。在线之前在线。
    Schuh JCL.,Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue and Tertiary Lymphoid Structures of the Eye and Ear in Laboratory Animals,毒素别墅。2020 Nov 28:192623320970448. doi: 10.1177/0192623320970448. Online ahead of print.
    Nirmal J, Barathi VA, Dickescheid A, Wey YS, Nirmal S, Raja MM, Venkatraman S, Agrawal R.,细胞约束性AfliBercept在治疗脉络膜新生血管中的潜力, Exp Eye Res. 2020 Oct;199:108187. doi: 10.1016/j.exer.2020.108187. Epub 2020 Aug 12.
    Laing ST, Tassew N, Tesar D, Wang Y, Crowell SR, Gray J, Kwong M, Loyet KM, Andaya R, Kusi A, Kelley RF.,Retinal and Lens Degeneration in New Zealand White Rabbits Administered Intravitreal TSG-6 Link Domain-Rabbit FAb Fusion Proteins,毒素别墅。2020 Dec 21:192623320969124. doi: 10.1177/0192623320969124. Online ahead of print.
    Kansara VS, Cooper M, Sesenoglu-Laird O, Muya L, Moen R, Ciulla TA.,SuprachoroIdally递送的DNA纳米颗粒转染视网膜和视网膜色素上皮/脉络膜,译音。2020年12月15日; 9(13):21。DOI:10.1167 / TVST.9.13.21。Ecollection 2020 Dec.
    Leshno A, Prokai-Tatrai K, Rotenstreich Y, Magid A, Bubis E, Schwartz S, Skaat A, Zloto O, Avni-Zauberman N, Barak A.,体内超等校正的局部雌激素治疗, Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2020 Jun 3;61(6):55. doi: 10.1167/iovs.61.6.55.
    Song H, Zeng Y, Sardar Pasha SPB, Bush RA, Vijayasarathy C, Qian H, Wei L, Wiley HE, Wu Z, Sieving PA.,体内跨膜电流在玻璃体玻璃体载体给药后大型动物眼中的AAV介导的视网膜转导,译音。2020 Jun 24;9(7):28. doi: 10.1167/tvst.9.7.28. eCollection 2020 Jun.


    Coates BA, Silva MJ.,An animal trial to study damage and repair in ovariectomized rabbits, J Biomech. 2020 Jul 17;108:109866. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2020.109866. Epub 2020 Jun 20.
    Fabritius M, Al-Munajjed AA, Freytag C, Jülke H, Zehe M, Lemarchand T, Arts JJ, Schumann D, Alt V, Sternberg K.,Antimicrobial Silver Multilayer Coating for Prevention of Bacterial Colonization of Orthopedic Implants, Materials (Basel). 2020 Mar 20;13(6):1415. doi: 10.3390/ma13061415.
    Tschon M, Brogini S, Parrilli A, Bertoldi S, Silini A, Parolini O, Faré S, Martini L, Veronesi F, Fini M, Giavaresi G.,Assessment of the in vivo biofunctionality of a biomimetic hybrid scaffold for osteochondral tissue regeneration, Biotechnol Bioeng. 2021 Jan;118(1):465-480. doi: 10.1002/bit.27584. Epub 2020 Oct 9.
    Kilmer CE, Battistoni CM, Cox A, Breur GJ, Panitch A, Liu JC.,胶原蛋白I和II型混合物水凝胶与自体间充质干细胞作为支架,用于关节软骨缺损修复,ACS BioMater Sci Eng。2020 6月8日; 6(6):3464-3476。DOI:10.1021 / ACSBIOMATERIALS.9B01939。Epub 2020 5月27。
    Kieseritzky JV,Alfort H,Granskog V,Hutchinson D,Stenlund P,Bogeståly,Arner M,HåkanssonJ,Malkoch M.,Dendroprime作为骨折固定板上的粘附屏障:兔的实验研究, J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2020 Sep;45(7):742-747. doi: 10.1177/1753193420932477. Epub 2020 Jun 19.
    Han SW, Sawatsky A, Jinha A, Herzog W.,Effect of Vastus Medialis Loss on Rabbit Patellofemoral Joint Contact Pressure Distribution, J Appl Biomech. 2020 Aug 25:1-7. doi: 10.1123/jab.2020-0056. Online ahead of print.
    Terhune Ce,Sylvester Ad,Scott Je,Ravosa MJ。,兔子颌骨髁的内部架构与生长期间的膳食抗性有关,j exp biol。2020年4月7日; 223(PT 7):JEB220988。DOI:10.1242 / JEB.220988。
    Lui H, Vaquette C, Denbeigh JM, Bindra R, Kakar S, van Wijnen AJ.,Multiphasic scaffold for scapholunate interosseous ligament reconstruction: A study in the rabbit knee,J Orthop Res。2020年6月24日:10.1002 / JOR.24785。DOI:10.1002 / JOR.24785。在线之前在线。
    Atluri K, Brouillette MJ, Seol D, Khorsand B, Sander E, Salem AK, Fredericks D, Petersen E, Smith S, Fowler TP, Martin JA.,Sulfasalazine在兔子纤维化兔模型中解决了关节僵硬,J Orthop Res。2020 Mar;38(3):629-638. doi: 10.1002/jor.24499. Epub 2019 Nov 11.
    卢Z,周某,VAIDA J,GAO G,Stewart A,Parenti J,Yan L,Pei M.,Unfavorable Contribution of a Tissue-Engineering Cartilage Graft to Osteochondral Defect Repair in Young Rabbits, Front Cell Dev Biol. 2020 Oct 29;8:595518. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2020.595518. eCollection 2020.


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    Petraitis, Vidmantas; Petraitiene, Ruta; Naing, Ethan; Aung, Thein; Thi, Wai Phyo; Kavaliauskas, Povilas; Win Maung, Bo Bo; Michel, Adam O; Ricart Arbona, Rodolfo J; DeRyke, Andrew C; Culshaw, Darren L; Nicolau, David P; Satlin, Michael J; Walsh, Thomas J;,Ceftolozane-Tazobactam in the Treatment of Experimental Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pneumonia in Persistently Neutropenic Rabbits: Impact on Strains with Genetically Defined Mechanisms of Resistance., Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy Vol.63, 2019
    Kammanadiminti, Srinivas; Patnaikuni, Ravi Kumar; Comer, Jason; Meister, Gabriel; Sinclair, Chris; Kodihalli, Shantha;,Combination therapy with antibiotics and anthrax immune globulin intravenous (AIGIV) is potentially more effective than antibiotics alone in rabbit model of inhalational anthrax., PloS one Vol.9, 2014
    Schoenberg, Evan D; Blake, Diane A; Swann, F Beau; Parlin, Andrew W; Zurakowski, David; Margo, Curtis E; Ponnusamy, Thiruselvam; John, Vijay T; Ayyala, Ramesh S;,Effect of Two Novel Sustained-Release Drug Delivery Systems on Bleb Fibrosis: An In Vivo Glaucoma Drainage Device Study in a Rabbit Model., Translational vision science & technology Vol.4, 2015
    Grossi, Irma M; Foster, Scott A; Gainey, Melicia R; Krile, Robert T; Dunn, John A; Brundage, Thomas; Khouri, Jody M;,Efficacy of delayed brincidofovir treatment against a lethal rabbitpox virus challenge in New Zealand White rabbits., Antiviral research Vol.143, 2017
    Yamamoto,Brent J;Shadiack,Annette M;木匠,莎拉;桑福德,丹尼尔;亨宁,丽莎N;Enoonnor,Edward;霍扎尔斯,巢藤;Mondick, John; French, Jonathan; Stark, Gregory V; Fisher, Alan C; Casey, Leslie S; Serbina, Natalya V,Efficacy Projection of Obiltoxaximab for Treatment of Inhalational Anthrax across a Range of Disease Severity.,抗菌剂和化疗Vol.60,2016
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