Data/Fact/Tech sheet

    Historical control data for the Hsd:Sprague Dawley® SD® rat: supporting excellence in reproductive toxicology studies

    Download your copy of our new data sheet and learn how this model can benefit your toxicology study

    Research models and services Toxicology


    Envigo’s Hsd:Sprague Dawley® SD® rat, a workhorse in medical research, demonstrates great potential when it comes to reproductive toxicology.

    Our data sheet features the exciting study results of 100 pregnant Sprague Dawley rats and their fetuses.

    Download today and learn more about the study results, including:

    • That external abnormalities were not detected in 98.6% of fetuses
    • The majority of fetuses were free from visceral abnormalities
    • Overall, the data support use of this strain for embryo-fetal development toxicity studies

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