本合同确定了买方同意从Envigo RMS(“Envigo”)购买动物研究产品的条款和条件。Envigo保留修改和更新这些条款和条件的权利。所有此类变更在通知买方后立即生效。raybetAPP

    These Terms are dated February 2017.


    1.1. These Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as “Terms and Conditions”) constitute the entire agreement between Envigo and the Buyer and apply to all animal research products provided by Envigo on behalf of Envigo unless otherwise agreed in writing. The Buyer acknowledges that it has not relied on any statement, promise, representation, assurance or warranty made or given by or on behalf of Envigo which is not set out in these Terms and Conditions.

    1.2. The placing of an order for animal research products with Envigo shall constitute an offer by the Buyer to purchase such animal research products from Envigo in accordance with these Terms and Conditions (an “Order”), which shall only be deemed to be accepted when Envigo confirms receipt of such Order. The Buyer is responsible for ensuring that the terms of the Order and any applicable specification submitted by the Buyer are complete and accurate


    2.1. 就所有交易而言,买方应为向Envigo支付动物研究产品的一方,即使应买方要求,动物研究产品已提供给第三方。raybetAPP

    2.2. 这些条款和条件应适用于所有其他条款或条件的完全排除。与任何其他文件一起签署、交付或包含的任何条款或条件,或法律、贸易习惯、惯例或交易过程暗示的任何条款或条件,均不得构成与提供动物研究产品有关的任何合同的一部分,且买方放弃以其他方式必须依赖此类条款或条件的任何权利。除非Envigo另有明确书面同意,否则明确拒绝任何与本条款不一致或补充本条款的条款和条件。raybetAPP

    2.3. 除非Envigo以书面形式明确同意,否则对本条款和条件的任何修改均不具有约束力或可执行性。raybetAPP

    2.4. 如果买方要求最低数量的经手术改良的动物研究产品,买方应订购剩余产品,以抵消动物行为造成的任何潜在破坏。买方应联系Envigo,了解每种动物研究产品型号所需的适用提前订购时间。raybetAPP


    3.1. raybetAPPEnvigo应确保每次交付的动物研究产品均附有一份提货单,说明订单日期、所有相关Envigo和买方参考号、动物研究产品的类型和数量,如果订单是分期交付的,尚未交付的动物研究产品数量。

    3.2. raybetAPPEnvigo应将动物研究产品交付至订单中规定的地点或双方同意的其他地点(“交付地点”)。

    3.3. Delivery of the animal research products shall be completed on the animal research product’s arrival at the Delivery Location if delivered using Envigo-arranged transport or upon the completion of loading of the animal research products at the relevant distribution location if using any Buyer or Buyer-arranged transportation.

    3.4. 所报的交货日期只是大概的,交货时间并不重要。因不可抗力事件(定义见第13节)或买方未能向Envigo提供足够的交付说明或与动物研究产品供应相关的任何其他说明而导致的动物研究产品交付延迟,EnvigoraybetAPP不承担任何责任。

    3.5. 如果买方未能接收动物研究产品,则除非此类未能或延迟是由于不可抗力事件或Envigo未能履行其在相关订单下的义务造成的:raybetAPP

    3.5.1. 动物研究产品的交付应在交付至交付地点之日视为已完成;以及

    3.5.2. raybetAPPEnvigo应为动物研究产品提供住所,直至交付,并向买方收取所有相关成本和费用(包括保险)。


    The risk and title in the animal research products shall pass to the Buyer on completion of delivery.


    5.1. 价格如有变动,恕不另行通知,除非买方与Envigo另有书面约定。raybetAPP

    5.2. Unless otherwise agreed in writing between Buyer and Envigo, prices listed in the attached quote are effective for 60 days from the date of quote submission, with the exception of international or air transportation prices. In case of significant regulatory developments or supply disruptions, Envigo may adjust the prices accordingly.

    5.3. 动物研究产品的价格不包括:(i)地方、州、联邦或国外销售或使用税、消费税、货物和服务税、增值税、消费税或法律规定的其他费用或(ii)运费。买方应承担并全权负责任何此类税费。

    5.4. 除了雄性灵长类订单的价格外,买方还应为工单中规定的每个雄性单位支付额外的库存不平衡费。对于雄性多于雌性的灵长类订单,买方应为超过工作订单中规定的雌性数量的雄性单位额外支付库存不平衡费。

    5.5. 对Envigo收入征收的税款仍由EraybetAPPnvigo负责。

    5.6. 发票在收到后三十(30)天内到期应付。未在收到发票后三十(30)个日历日内支付的任何发票应按每月百分之一点五(1.5%)或适用法律允许的最高利率中的较低者收取利息。机构采购卡(美国运通卡、万事达卡、VISA卡)可作为预先批准的付款方式。

    5.7. 买方应全额支付Envigo就动物研究产品应支付的所有款项,无任何抵销、反索赔、raybetAPP扣减或预扣(法律要求的任何扣减或预扣除外)。Envigo可在任何时候,在不限制其其他权利或补救措施的情况下,将买方欠其的任何金额与Envigo应付给买方的任何金额抵消。

    6. DELAYS

    6.1. 买方应支付当前的每日清单价格,以便在订单装运前扣留动物,并支付高达所报运输价格25%的装运延迟费。


    7.1. Advance notification of an Order cancellation is required. Buyer-driven order cancellations shall be subject to cancellation fees in accordance with the terms below. The Buyer will be invoiced upon notification of cancellation.

    7.2. If any Buyer-requested services including, but not limited to, testing, acclimation, vaccines or treatments are performed by Envigo prior to notification of cancellation, Buyer shall pay the total current list price for the service(s) performed in addition to the cancellation fee.

    7.3. Any order cancelled after the shipment leaves a Facility or while in transit to the Buyer’s location shall be subject to a cancellation fee equal to the total order price.

    7.4. 以下取消费用适用于订单:

    7.4.1. 国际空运以下附表适用于取消要求国际空运的订单:

    取消装运前的天数费用(所报运输价格的百分比)16+高达25%7–15高达50%1–6 100%

    7.4.2. 灵长类。在约定装运日期前至少十五(15)个日历日取消的订单不收取任何费用。如果在动物研究产品转移到室内装运前宿舍后收到取消通知,买方应支付订单总价的百分之十(10%)或最低五千美元(5000美元)。

    7.4.3. 特殊灵长类进口。根据买方要求,替代取消条款可适用于专门进口或不符合Envigo标准规范的动物研究产品。此类替代取消条款应在“特别订单协议”中规定,并由Envigo和买方签署。raybetAPP

    7.4.4. 外科改良的动物研究产品。Envigo接受外科改良动物研究产品订单后,应支付以下取消费用,除非订单中说明此raybetAPP类费用不适用。如果收到取消通知:

    a) 手术当天,将收取相当于订单总价的取消费。

    b) less than ten (10) business days prior to scheduled surgery, a cancellation fee equal to half the total Order price will be charged.

    Upon completion of the surgery, even if the modified animal research product removes or damages a surgical modification after surgery, including the period of time before, during or after shipment, a cancellation fee equal to total Order price shall apply.


    8.1. 非繁殖动物研究产品和/或种质仅用于买方的内部研究目的。未向买方授予任何明示或暗示的权利,以生产、繁殖、杂交或复制本协议项下出售的动物研究产品和/或使用本协议项下出售的种质复制动物研究产品。

    8.2. 鉴于Envigo对出售的动物研究产品和/raybetAPP或种质的独特基因成分拥有宝贵的专有权利,作为本协议的一个重要条件,买方特此同意并承诺不会:

    8.2.1. generate, breed, cross-breed or reproduce animal research products purchased hereunder;

    8.2.2. 使用根据本协议出售的种质资源复制动物研究产品;或

    8.2.3. 向任何第三方出售、转让或许可购买的动物研究产品和/或种质。


    9.1. Envigo warrants that at the time of shipment:

    9.1.1. 使用EnviraybetAPPgo transport或Envigo签约快递,动物研究产品应符合当时有效的Envigo规范。买方就未能满足此类规范提出的任何索赔必须在收到任何犬只或兔子后的三(3)个工作日内或收到任何其他动物研究产品后的十五(15)个工作日内提出;以及

    9.1.2. all surgically modified animal research products shall meet the specifications of Order accepted by Envigo except any defect caused by animal research product behavior. The Buyer waives any rights with respect to such warranty unless it contacts Envigo’s Client Service Team within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt of the animal research products.

    9.2. 如果动物研究产品由买方或买方的运输承包商运输,Envigo不对动物研究产品或其健康状况或身体状况承担任何责任,从装载到Envigo的相关设施或Envigo承包的第三方设施(统称为“设施”)开始。raybetAPP

    9.3. Except as expressly set out in these Terms and Conditions, all warranties, conditions, terms and undertakings, express or implied, whether by statute, common law, custom, trade usage, course of dealings or otherwise (including without limitation as to quality, merchantability, condition, description or fitness or suitability for purpose) in respect of any animal research products to be provided by Envigo are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.


    10.1. 本条款和条件中的任何内容均无意限制或排除任何一方的法律责任。

    10.2. raybetAPPEnvigo销售任何动物研究产品的全部责任应限于(i)更换动物研究产品或(ii)退还购买价格。在任何情况下,Envigo与任何订单相关的责任不得超过所发行的动物研究产品或服务的价格。

    10.3. raybetAPP无论是合同、侵权行为(包括疏忽)、违反法定义务或其他原因,Envigo均不对买方承担任何责任:

    10.3.1. 利润、收入、业务、储蓄和/或商誉损失(直接或间接);或

    10.3.2. 根据本条款和条件产生的或与之相关的间接损失或任何其他间接性质的损失;


    10.4. raybetAPP如果因买方原因,或因买方明确指示或任何买方信息变更而导致服务失败、错误或延迟,Envigo不承担任何责任。


    11.1. 买方应按要求赔偿并保持Envigo及其附属公司及其各自的高级职员、董事和员工,并使EnvigoraybetAPP免受所有诉讼、诉讼、索赔和要求、责任的损害,损失或损害(包括Envigo应向其客户支付的损害赔偿金和/或代替罚款或罚金的损害赔偿金)以及直接或间接由以下原因引起或与之相关的所有成本、费用和支出(包括法律和其他专业费用):

    11.1.1. 交付后的动物研究产品;

    11.1.2. 因使用动物研究产品或销售的产品而导致的任何产品的有害或其他不安全影响;或

    11.1.3. 买方或其代理人的疏忽、重大过失、故意不当行为或不作为。


    12.1. raybetAPPEnvigo可提前不少于九十(90)天书面通知买方终止本条款或条件。Envigo可随时书面通知买方终止订单。Envigo对根据本节终止本条款和条件或命令不承担任何责任。

    12.2. 如果出现以下情况,任何一方可在收到书面通知后立即终止本条款和条件:

    12.2.1. 对方无力偿还到期债务的;

    12.2.2. the other party suspends, or threatens to suspend, or ceases or threatens to cease to carry on all or a substantial part of its business; or

    12.2.3. the other party's financial position deteriorates to such an extent that in the terminating party's opinion the other party's capability to adequately fulfil its obligations under the Contract has been placed in jeopardy.

    12.2.4. any event analogous to the circumstances in the sub-sections above occurs in any relevant jurisdiction.

    12.3. A party may terminate an Order prior to completion of the applicable Services at any time and for any reason upon ninety (90) days written notice to the other party.

    12.4. Termination of an Order or these Terms and Conditions shall not affect a party’s rights and remedies that have accrued as at termination. Termination of an Order shall not affect any other Order or these Terms and Conditions.

    12.5. Any provision of these Terms and Conditions that expressly or by implication is intended to come into or continue in force on or after termination shall remain in full force and effect.


    13.1. 除买方支付动物研究产品的责任外,如果由于超出该方合理控制范围的任何原因(包括但不限于:战争、战争威胁或类似战争条件、封锁、禁运等)而延迟或阻raybetAPP止了Envigo和买方履行其在本协议项下的义务,则Envigo和买方应免除其在本协议项下的义务,,火灾、爆炸、雷电、风暴、干旱、洪水、地震或其他自然灾害、流行病或流行病、停电、劳动力或物资短缺、供应链问题、无法按商业合理价格提供定期商业空运、罢工、停工、恐怖行为、暴动、内乱、暴动,政府或其他国际机构或政治部门的行为(“不可抗力事件”)。

    13.2. 如果此类不可抗力事件妨碍、妨碍或延迟一方履行其义务连续超过四(4)周,任何一方可提前十四(14)个日历日书面通知另一方终止本条款和条件。

    13.3. Any deadline or time agreed between the parties that falls due or is subsequent to the occurrence of the Force Majeure Event shall be automatically extended for a period of time equal to the period of such an event. Envigo shall promptly notify the Buyer if a Force Majeure Event prevents Envigo from being able to meet any deadline or performance date agreed between the parties.


    14.1. 名字的使用。未经另一方事先书面许可,任何一方不得在任何广告或促销材料或任何出版物中使用另一方的名称或另一方雇员的姓名

    14.2. 没有合伙或代理。这些条款和条件无意在双方之间创建或建立,也不得解释为创建或建立任何代理、合伙或公司关系。任何一方无权以合同或其他方式约束另一方,也无权代表另一方提供任何保证或陈述。

    14.3. 第三方权利。Envigo和买方是这些条款raybetAPP和条件的唯一当事方,本协议中的任何内容均不得产生或解释为在任何第三方或代表任何第三方创造任何直接或受益权,包括执行这些条款和条件的任何条款的权利。

    14.4. 可分割性。如果本条款和条件的任何规定无效、非法或不可执行,则应视为对其进行了必要的修改,以使其有效、合法和可执行。无法修改的,视为删除。对本节规定的任何修改或删除不得影响本条款其余部分的有效性和可执行性。

    14.5。任务。raybetAPPEnvigo可能在任何时间分配,transfer, mortgage, charge, subcontract or deal in any other manner with all or any of its rights under these Terms and Conditions and may subcontract or delegate in any manner any or all of its obligations under these Terms and Conditions to any third party or agent. The Buyer shall not, without the prior written consent of Envigo, assign, transfer, mortgage, charge, subcontract, declare a trust over or deal in any other manner with any or all of its rights or obligations under these Terms and Conditions.

    14.6. 修正案。除非Envigo和买方的授权签字人以书面形式签字,否则不得对本条款和条件进行任何修改或变更。raybetAPP

    14.7. 弃权。一方未能行使或执行本条款和条件项下的任何权利,不得视为放弃该权利,也不得禁止在此后任何时间行使或执行该权利,除非Envigo和买方以书面形式签字同意。raybetAPP

    14.8. 通知。本条款和条件要求的任何通知、同意、批准、协议或其他文件,在没有任何相反明确规定的情况下,应为:

    14.8.1. in writing in the English language and shall be deemed to have been duly given if left at or sent by hand or by registered post to a party at the registered company address of such party or such other address as one party may from time to time designate by written notice to the other; and

    14.8.2. 视为对方已收到:

    a) 以挂号邮递方式寄出的通知或其他文件,自发出之日起两(2)个工作日内送达;

    b) 如果通知或其他文件是通过航空挂号信寄出的,则为发出日期后七(7)个工作日;或

    c) simultaneously with the delivery if sent by hand.

    14.9. Anti-Bribery. The parties agree that each has not and will not, either directly or indirectly, engage in bribery, or offer, or promise, or authorise to pay or make any improper payment of any monies or financial or other advantage, including cash, loan, gift, travel, entertainment, hospitality, facilitation payment, kickback, political or philanthropic contribution, anything of value, or any other perceived benefit to improperly obtain or retain a business advantage in violation of any anti-corruption or bribery laws and further, each party agrees that they shall not take any action that would cause the other party to be in violation of such laws.

    14.10. Trade Controls. Notwithstanding any other provision of these Terms and Conditions to the contrary, each party shall comply with, and retain responsibility for its compliance with, all applicable export control laws (e.g., the U.S. Export Administration Regulations) and economic sanctions programs as well as Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons (“SDNs”) relating to its respective business, facilities, and the provision of services to third parties (collectively, “Trade Control Laws”). It shall be in the sole discretion of Envigo to refrain from being directly or indirectly involved in the provision of goods, software, services and/or technical data that may be prohibited by applicable Trade Control Laws, including sanctions currently in place against Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria and SDNs.

    14.11. 适用法律。这些条款和条件以及由此产生的或与之相关的任何非合同义务,应在各方面受特拉华州法律管辖并根据特拉华州法律进行解释,而不考虑其适用的法律冲突规则,并明确排除《联合国国际法公约》货物销售。

    14.12. 管辖权。由本条款和条件引起的或与本条款和条件有关的所有争议应根据《国际商会仲裁规则》由根据上述规则任命的一名或多名仲裁员最终解决。仲裁地或法定地点应为荷兰。仲裁使用的语言应为英语。


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