The Wistar Hannover rat (e.g., RccHan®:WIST and HsdHan®:WIST) is widely used in toxicology and carcinogenicity studies, which are necessary for regulatory approval of new drugs and chemicals. The advantages of these models are numerous, leading to beneficial economic impacts, enhanced research outcomes, and closer adherence to the 3Rs. Envigo has a long history with the Wistar Hannover rat, and is uniquely placed to help researchers capitalize on its advantages. Below, we discuss the history of the model and our role in its maintenance, and explore some of the benefits the model offers in more detail.
The Wistar Hannover rat was developed at the Wistar Institute in 1906 as a model organism for use in medical research. More than half of all laboratory rat strains are descended from the original colony, including the well-known Sprague Dawley and Long Evans rats.Envigo has maintained the original RccHan®:WIST rat, developed from the Wistar Institute colony, for nearly two decades.As such, unlike competitive models,theEnvigo RccHan®:WIST rat has been maintained from the original nucleus of 156 breeding pairs from the Hannover Institute, where the model was transferred in 1960.
Envigo’s global breeding and genetic integrity assurance program employedin the RccHan®:WIST stock reduces inbreeding and maintains maximum heterogeneity between animals within the colony. All RccHan®:WIST colonies are genetically tested on an annual basis using a custom 96 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) marker panel to assess allelic frequencies within and between colonies worldwide.
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