06 May, 2021

Celebrating 90 years of working together to build a healthier and safer world

By Envigo

In 1931, Howard Harlan founded a company that would, over the decades, evolve and expand to become Envigo. Christening his new business Harlan, Howard set about building his company’s reputation as a peerless supplier of high-quality laboratory animals. Within ten years, the name Harlan was entirely synonymous with pre-clinical research performed to the most exacting standards.

1961年,霍华德的儿子 - 哈尔P. Harlan - 接管了这项业务的日常运行,从那时编号为十名员工。次年,该业务已被注册,我们经历了我们的名字变为Harlan Industries。由于世界的科学研究人员一直拓宽视野并重新定义可能的内容,Harlan Industries与他们保持步伐。

During the 1970s, Hal Harlan supervised the construction of several isolator and barrier-breeding facilities. Utilizing leading-edge thinking and technology, these facilities allowed Harlan Industries to vastly improve the health status and quality of animals supplied to universities and pharmaceutical companies.

例如,当1972年首次将隔离器技术置于内部时,它使Harlan Industries团队能够完全调整和清理其模型的微生物健康状况。已成为我们业务的呼叫卡的独立性严谨的一致性可以可以说可以追溯到这一内部革命。

As our reputation continued to rise above competitors, Harlan Industries began an ambitious expansion program that would put us on the path to becoming the 1,200-employee company we are today. Within a few short years, Harlan acquired Spartan Research Animals, Sprague Dawley®, Teklad, MA Laboratory Animals, TIMCO Breeding Laboratories, Engle Laboratory Animals Inc., Laboratory Supply Company Inc., Serotec, Southern Animal Farms, the Holtzman Company (producer of the Holtzman albino rat), and the Central Institute for Breeding of Laboratory Animals.

这是在20世纪80年代的大胆扩张期间,我们经历了我们的第二个名字 - 改变成为Harlan Sprague Dawley,Inc。我们也大大提高了我们的现有股票和实验室动物的菌株,以超过240。我们全球追捧现在包括在内的模型the mice, rats, and hamsters that had previously been produced by Germany’s Hannover Institute and the Netherlands’ TNO Institute.

我们的收购和扩建纳入新界,继续进入20世纪90年代,哈兰Sprague Dawley Inc。在英国,丹麦,德国,意大利,以色列,墨西哥,法国和西班牙建立其存在。到目前为止,公司的产品和服务已扩大。与实验动物一起,我们现在还提供了动物饮食,免疫学和生物制品,健康筛查和其他其他技术服务。

As we entered the new millennium, the organization that Howard Harlan started back in 1931 had become extraordinarily multifaceted. Therefore, the decision was made in 2008 to unite all of the business’s brands under one banner: Harlan Laboratories Inc. Our newly streamlined and single-minded company was centered around a straightforward, unwavering vision: helping customers perform better research.

通过亨廷顿生命科学(HLS)于2015年收购,Harlan Labs扩大了以更好地满足这些客户的需求和期望。HLS选择重命名并重新打配其新的收购,以更好地满足21世纪研究​​科学家的需求和期望,而Envigo出生。raybetAPP继续推动我们通过精简加强,我们进一步收紧了我们专注于全部开始的地方。

In early 2019, we announced that LabCorp’s Covance Drug Development segment would acquire our nonclinical research services business and Envigo’s Research Models Services business would acquire the Covance Research Products business. This resulted in our becoming a pure-play research models and services business, while Covance would expand its global nonclinical drug development capabilities. At the end of 2019, we acquired the assets of the research models business unit of Horizon Discovery Group plc (“Horizon”, LSE:HZD). By acquiring this business unit, we were able to offer customers the use of gene-editing technology and expertise to produce customized models with relevant gene deletions, insertions, and other modifications, which are then used as models for human disease during drug discovery and development.

That brings us full circle to 2021. Over the last 90 years, pre-clinical research has achieved countless remarkable things – not least among them being victories over existential threats such as polio, malaria, influenza, and, most recently, the advance to fight COVID-19. From Harlan to Envigo, our people have always prided themselves on offering the strongest possible support to the scientists, striving to create these modern miracles. We know that to effectively empower researchers, we need to work diligently and conscientiously. This exacting attitude permeates every facet of Envigo’s culture, so we may work together to build a healthier and safer world.

As a business, we may have grown, but we still think of ourselves as an invested extension of each research team that we serve. Put simply, we’re experts in animal models so that research scientists don’t have to be. Instead, they can focus all their skills and attention on tackling unmet clinical needs. We value doing our best work, together, every day. Learn more about our rich history here.


Category //Research models and services