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Product description
Rarely does a significantly superior product come along.That's why we are so enthusiastic about TEK-Fresh a major breakthrough in laboratory animal bedding. TEK-Fresh is manufactured from 100% reclaimed virgin wood pulp, making it environmentally friendly. Our pulp comes from plants that make paper towels and tissue paper, which means TEK-Fresh is extremely absorbent. Unlike most other paper bedding, it is not made from recycled news print or similar waste materials, so it is not is not contaminated with inks or chemicals, and no dyes or perfumes are added.
TEK-Fresh absorbs up to three times its weight in liquids. The natural wicking action and high absorbency capacity keeps animal living areas drier and cleaner.
TEK-Fresh is scientifically engineered to control odor by suppressing ammonia formation up to three times longer than traditional bedding. The drier the bedding, the slower the ammonia formation process occurs, making TEK-Fresh an excellent choice for use in closed environments, such as isolators.
TEK-Fresh啮齿动物的理想接触的床上用品。It is a loose particulate that looks like thick gray "corn flakes" and is the consistency of pulp egg cartons, but not as hard. Animals nest in it more readily because it is soft, enhancing environmental enrichment. It can also be used in drop pans for rabbits, guinea pigs, and other species.
TEK-Fresh is nontoxic if eaten. It is sanitized at 380°F during the manufacturing process to kill bacteria, molds and other types of fungi. It is virtually dust-free and won't irritate either human or animal respiratory systems. It contains no silica, resins, or aromatic hydrocarbons.
TEK-Fresh lasts longer and doesn't pack down. Time is saved on cleaning cages; it can even be vacuumed up. It is environmentally friendly and biodegradable, and can be composted, incinerated, flushed into the sewer system, or disposed of in a landfill.
TEK-Fresh is autoclavable, and is packaged in a bag suitable for autoclaving. It is also available in small, irradiated vacuum pouches.
What it is, what it does, and how much better it does it is what makes TEK-Fresh a significantly superior laboratory animal bedding.
*Edible enrichment items are a supplement to the diet and should never displace more than ten percent of the diet.Also available in white as7099W
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